A step further
Where traditional synthetic floor treatments are limited, we can take it a step further. Our special flooring can be used in the most extreme conditions and placed within one day.
Because we are not affiliated with any manufacturer or supplier, we can enjoy an independent position within the synthetic flooring market. We do not work with products from a single supplier, but can pick from the entire range of what is available on the market today. Often a production company will have its own flooring teams who will only offer their particular brand. We turn this concept on its head, offering you a floor and supplier according to your needs.
As early in the process as possible (preferably before an offer is made), we will make an inventory of your requirements and preferences and make sure the chosen flooring is completely suitable for your company’s needs – not only for its current needs, but also for future ones.
To this end, we will need to ask you various questions such as:
– what resistance factors apply to your flooring needs (mechanical, chemical, thermal)?
– should the floor have anti-static qualities?
– which official health and safety requirements apply to your company?
– which environmental factors apply?
– how is the sub-floor constructed?
– will this space undergo changes in the future?
– within which timespan must placement be completed?
Once we have the answers to these questions we can present the various options available for your specific synthetic flooring needs.